Welcome to

We love to share all the amazing places and
people that make our town special.

Our Mission

Our mission is to showcase the local spots and attractions here in our small town. We have a lot of great people that help bring culture, entertainment, and growth. We believe that if we work together as a community, we can create a city where we can call home, a town where we are proud to show off to visitors and travelers. Please enjoy looking around; we are always updating the site.
Woodland Reopening
By Cesar Torres 01 Mar, 2021
As a moviegoer, I enjoy the magic of the State Theatre and the cinematic experience. They plan or reopening on Friday, March 5th, with some preventive measures. Safety protocols are available on the CinemaSafe! Website. www.cinemasafe.org With the current red tear in Yolo County, it feels like we are slowly getting back to normal. Enjoy a day out at some of the local restaurants that have 25% capacity indoor seating. We all know the places that we love; make sure to call ahead and make a reservation. Tables are filling up fast, and everyone is excited to experience their favorite local eateries.

Follow Us @dowoodland

We love to share our favorite local places. Do you have a business you enjoy? Tag us using #dowoodland.

Explore Local and Beyond.

Small Businesses
Small businesses are what make a community unique and special. We want to support the people who bring their passion to us and share their passions.

Business of the Month
Culinary Adventures
Food, Drinks and Service. We love to share and bring you the amazing eats that our city offers. We want to experience our food diversity and share it with all of you.

A must have dish
If it's a small business, an organization, or just someone you just met. Our city is made up of passionate individuals that make our town feel like home. Get out and meet someone new.
Meet someone amazing
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